
- ... bin Informatiker, habe am Institut für Theoretische Informatik der TU Ilmenau promoviert und danach als Post-Doc im Fachgebiet Telematik/Rechnernetze gearbeitet. Aktuell bin ich in der Thüringer Landesverwaltung beschäftigt.
- ... mag meine Arbeit, freie Software, Brettspiele, Bücher und das Fotografieren.
- ... bin sehr gerne Papa.
Konferenz- und Journalpublikationen
Dominating an s-t-Cut in a Network
Ralf Rothenberger, Sascha Grau, Michael Rossberg, SOFSEM 2015, Czech Republic, pp. 401-411, Springer, 2015 -
Resilient and Underlay-Aware P2P Live-Streaming
Mathias Fischer, Sascha Grau, Giang Nguyen, Günter Schäfer, Computer Networks, Volume 59 , pp. 122-136, Elsevier, 2014 -
Beyond the Ideal Object: Towards Disclosure-Resilient Order-Preserving Encryption Schemes
Sander Wozniak, Michael Rossberg, Sascha Grau, Ali Alshawish, Günter Schäfer, ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop 2013, Berlin, pp. 89-100, ACM, 2013 -
Attack-Resilient Multitree Data Distribution Topologies
. [Folien]
Sascha Grau. International Conference On Principles Of DIstributed Systems, OPODIS 2012, Rome, Italy, pp. 196-208, Springer, 2012 -
On Virtualization-based Network Support for Peer-assisted Live-Streaming Applications
Mathias Fischer, Michael Kissmann, Sascha Grau and Guenter Schaefer. In Network of the Future (NoF), Paris, France, pp. 25-30, 2011 -
Underlay-Robust Application Layer Multicast. (Ext. Abstract).
Mathias Fischer, Sebastian Delling, Sascha Grau and Guenter Schaefer. In International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), Orlando, Florida, 2011 -
Attack-Resilient and Multiple-Tree-based P2P-IPTV Distribution
Mathias Fischer, Sascha Grau, Sebastian Kehr and Guenter Schaefer. In International Congress of Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT), Budapest, Hungary, 2011 -
On the Dependencies between Source Neighbors in Optimally DoS-stable P2P Streaming Topologies
Sascha Grau, Mathias Fischer and Günter Schäfer. In IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Minneapolis, MN, 2011 -
On Complexity and Approximability of Optimal DoS Attacks on Multiple-Tree P2P Streaming Topologies
Sascha Grau, Mathias Fischer, Michael Brinkmeier, and Günter Schäfer. In Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 8(2), pp. 270-281, IEEE, 2011 -
Attacker Independent Stability Guarantees for Peer-2-Peer-Live-Streaming Topologies
. [
Andreas Brieg, Michael Brinkmeier, Sascha Grau, Mathias Fischer, and Guenter Schaefer. In Second International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service, Colmar, France, 2009 -
Towards the design of unexploitable construction mechanisms for multiple-tree based P2P streaming systems
Michael Brinkmeier, Mathias Fischer, Sascha Grau, and Guenter Schaefer. In ITG/GI-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS), Kassel, Germany, pp. 193-204, Springer, 2009 -
Methods for Improving Resilience in Communication Networks and P2P Overlays
Michael Brinkmeier, Mathias Fischer, Sascha Grau, Guenter Schaefer, and Thorsten Strufe. In Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, PIK, 32(1), pp. 64-78, de Gruyter, 2009
On the Stability of Distribution Topologies in Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming Systems
Sascha Grau, Dissertation, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2012 -
Techniken zur schnelleren Berechnung von Gomory-Hu-Bäumen
Sascha Grau, Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2007, [Folien] [Code unten]
Code Snippets
Javascript/Processing.js Playground

Monte Carlo Pi
Approximate Pi using Monte Carlo Simulation.
Watch as the process converges.

Pack boxes into bins in this interactive binpacking example.
Study heuristics and find the optimum!

Interactive playground to study characteristics of Google's PageRank algorithm.
Try modelling your sitemap!

A plotter for Elliptic Curves under modular arithmetic. Explore point addition and generator subgroups.

Plot arbitrary two-dimensional curves over finite fields.

Small Javascript game AI.
You won't win.

Game of Life
Playing around with plain Javascript.
Try building gliders!

Simple maze generator using depth-first-search.